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That Time â€å“will & Graceã¢â‚¬â Forgot Hiv Exists. Again.

Thought for the 24-hour interval: Honesty is the best Policy
Crawly Twenty-four hour period!

Circumvolve fourth dimension: Read aloud of the volume â€ËÅ"Teasing’ by Joy Berry.
Learning intention: To Create sensation amidst students about bullying and to develop the attitude â€ËÅ"Empathy’ and â€ËÅ"Respect’ towards others in students.
Language Development : Structure drilling: “ May I please …”

Music and move: Students learned to command and coordinate their bodies through music on the song “Will yous hug me” from music with mar.
Learning intention: To help students develop self-esteem, gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

Math: Learners revised the concepts of Math and solved the revision worksheet.
Learning Intention: Help students to reflect upon their learning.
Language : Learners solved the revision worksheet.
Learning Intention : To aid students raise their vocabulary.
Learners attended the dance/ drama /PE / VA/ PS/ Hindi /music/ Library classes.

1. Please encourage your child to do his/her homework regularly .
ii. A gentle reminder to send the summer homework, notebooks and the folder. Please ignore if already sent.
3. Kindly send the breakfast according to the school food policy.
4. Kindly confirm past signing the note in the communication diary.
v. Cheque the blog regularly.

Runa Nath (HRT)

Math homework:

Solve page number 7 (Solve the following equation) from grade 6 revision worksheets.

Submission engagement: 17th June

Dear Parents,

A warm welcome to all of you to the new academic year 2014-15. The beginning of the year is always full of  excitement, fun and has its off-white bit of anarchy. This yr was no different. A week into the new bookish session and things are now settling down and classes are getting into a routine.

For those of you lot who dont know me, I am Ankita Diwekar-Kabra, co-founder of Fountainhead School. Currently, I am the Primary Schoolhouse Principal of Fountainhead School. My scope of work includes all academics and academic related processes and systems for Nursery to grade vi.

What's new in bookish year 2014-fifteen?

We have conspicuously outlined in our vision for Fountainhead School that "Nosotros aim to scale newer heights in terms of curriculum innovation and pedagogy methodologies and build an institute of excellence."  In bodily terms, information technology means we try out some new things in our curriculum, way of instruction, some new initiatives etc. For example: Many of you lot will recollect that 3 years back, nosotros launched the Leadership program based on our revised mission statement  to teach the 7 habits of happy kids to our students. This program has been adequately successful and the school community has adopted the 7 habits vocabulary. This year, too, we are introducing/ changing some practices and I will outline a few of them here:

i. Arts as a trans-disciplinaryÂÂÂprogram: Leveraging on our multifaceted and skilled arts faculty, this yr, visual arts and drama will be taught by a unmarried teacher for a particular grade. For example: Ms. Kaavya Shah  will exist teaching Visual Arts and Drama for all the sections of grade v. The thought of doing so is to make meaningful arts connections with the homeroom units wherever possible.


ii. Gujarati linguistic communication at two levels: Recognizing that students who have Gujarati as a mother natural language are not sufficiently challenged and that students from non-Gujarati backgrounds detect learning Gujarati overwhelming, we are now introducing 2 levels for Gujarati learning from Grade 2 onwards. Gujarati ab initio is for students from non- Gujarati backgrounds and Gujarati standard level is for students who speak Gujarati at abode.


3. Language development slot: Developing strong skills in oral and written forms of English is a key area of focus for the master years programme. This year, nosotros take scheduled a 20 minute slot every day for the same where oral language development, grammer skills etc will be worked on.


iv. LEAP: The Learning Enrichment and Advancement Program (LEAP) that we started 2 years dorsum to cater to gifted learners was made into a more inclusive program last year to cater to all learners with the belief that every kid is gifted in his or her unique way. Last twelvemonth, every class had a few LEAP sessions. With a LEAP slot every bike this year, our learners will LEAP higher ! Design thinking, easily-on projects and activities catering to multiple intelligences will also be included in Spring classes this year.


5. AIE programs: Fountainhead Schoolhouse has tied up with American Found of Enrichment this year to work on English language skills and we are introducing computer-based learning programs for grades 1, 3 and 5 for this year.ÂÂÂ


5. Chromebook program: The mother of all new initiatives, if I may phone call it! Course v onwards, every student will carry his or her ain Chromebook to school. The new Chromebooks are here, they are being configured and updated with security features and then that students can use them safely. As parents, your part in setting rules for device apply at domicile will be of paramount importance. We are in this together and the school will educate parents on the same at the parent instructor meeting on 21st June.

Grades 1-4 will also have Chromebook carts bachelor for integrating ICT in the curriculum in a meaningful manner.


7. No-tuition policy implementation: If information technology wasnt enough that I kept repeating this on replay loop on all the TV screens at the last SLC, hither is a gentle reminder once again. We are serious about implementing the no-tuition policy. IF you lot recall your child needs actress support, you need to get a written permission from the school for this. We are committed to ensuring that students learn concepts in school and nosotros expect forrad to your support in ensuring that students develop independent written report skills.ÂÂÂ

That's all from my desk for now. If yous accept any concerns about the curriculum or the teacher or any feedback about the school, don't hesitate to get in impact with me. In the interest of making all-time use of your and my time, I insist  on prior appointments either for a telephonic interaction or a confront to face up meeting. I would also similar to reassure parents that whatsoever concerns or complaints fabricated by them take no impact on their child'due south education or the way he or she is treated hither. Equally a value, we are committed to being fair to all students and exist rest assured, whether it is your child or mine, at that place is no exception to that value.

Have a great week ahead!





Settling Time:

Learners wrote 10 common nouns.

[Linguistic communication]

Learners revised grade 1 concepts through revision worksheets.


Learners revised grade 1 concepts through revision worksheets.

[Read Aloud]

Danny and the Dinosaur past Syd Hoff.


Math revision worksheet given.

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Bailiwick: Schoolhouse autobus transport schedule for parents for the beginning Parents Teachers Meeting (PTM) on Saturday, 21st June, 2014

Dear Parents,

Based on feedback from the parents, nosotros are making some changes in the format of the Parents Curriculum Meeting (PTM). The focus on curriculum will decrease and more than time volition exist spent on the role of parents through parenting modules in every meeting (this fourth dimension we volition take upwardly how to make an constructive schedule for your ward) as well as discussing new initiatives and other of import processes that parents need to be involved in. For e.1000. in this meeting, for Grade 5 onwards, we will spend some time in understanding effective usage and care of Chromebooks. Therefore we are also now calling it the Parents Teachers Coming together (PTM). 1st PTM for all grades will be on  Saturday, 21st June, 2014. Please become through the details given beneath.

Grades Timings
Early Years (Nu, Jr. Kg & Sr. Kg) and Primary years (G one, 5 & vi) 7:45 am to 9:45 am
Primary Years(G 2, 3 & four) and Eye Years  (M vii, 8, 9 & x) nine:30 am to 11:30 am

At that place will be mandatory bus transport for all. Simply parents using the school omnibus transport will be allowed to nourish the PTM. Please note that parents will not be immune to board the buses after the railway crossing near the school  and therefore will non be allowed to enter the school premises for the PTM.

  • Buses will reach school at vii:thirty am and leave a t 10:15 am SHARP for the first batch and for the 2d PTM slot, buses will reach school around 9:15 am and leave ÂÂÂat 12:00 am SHARP later on the PTM ends. We will accept a new organisation of purchasing pantry coupons wherein the requirement will be taken in the jitney itself and coupons handed over in the respective classrooms. The corporeality will be deducted from the imprest corporeality.
  • Please refer to the bus schedule  (link given beneath) for your respective stop and timings. Please do not park your vehicles right at or near the bus stops as this creates safety and traffic constraints.
  • While we expect the buses to have sufficient chapters to carry the parents, based on the average attendance at PTMs, it is possible that some buses may be slightly more than crowded than ideal. Delight cooperate with us on the same and follow all bus safety rules every bit directed by the staff.

Delight practise not call the Front Desk-bound requesting for entry to the school past giving reasons such as missing the bus, emergency situation etc. We request you to treat all the school staff (didis, bus drivers, conductors and attendants) including the school gate security staff  with courtesy at all times. Please note that inappropriate tone, linguistic communication or beliefs will non be accepted. For those people who need to travel in an emergency, such as doctors, we will have a vehicle on standby to drib y'all so that you tin get back immediately. We promise y'all will understand our constraints and extend your cooperation.

Highlights of the day â€â€Å" xvi th June’ 2014

Thought for the day:  Honesty is the best Policy

Awesome Twenty-four hours!

Math: Learners revised the concepts of Math and solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention: Help students to reflect upon their learning.

Linguistic communication :  Learners solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention : To help students enhance their vocabulary.

Learners attended the dance/ drama /PE / VA/ PS/ Hindi /music/ Library classes.

Homework: Read the pedagogy and complete the homework task in the notebook sent.


1. Please encourage your child to exercise his/her homework regularly .

2. A gentle reminder to transport the summer homework, notebooks and the binder. Please ignore if already sent.

three. Kindly transport the breakfast according to the schoolhouse food policy.

4. Kindly ostend by signing the note in the communication diary.

5. Bank check the blog regularly.


Settling Chore:  S ingular â€â€Å" plural nouns.

Language: ÂÂÂLearners  cocky-checked the language revision worksheet and cleared their doubts.

Math: Pre- assessment was taken.

HRM :Learners were shown a Power Point Presentation on Attitudes where they had to place the attitude from the pic given followed by the discussion.

Homework: Make sentences  from the post-obit words in any A4 size paper-

responsibility, curious, capeesh, integrity and confidence.


(ane) Transport a pocket dictionary to keep in the class. Kindly label it.

(ii) Send the following things to keep in the class. The belongings should be accordingly labelled: 1 pair of floaters and a pair of actress apparel. The clothes should exist kept in a plastic pocketbook.

Highlights of the day â€â€Å" sixteen th June’ 2014

Thought for the twenty-four hour period:  "Sharing is caring"

Crawly Mean solar day!

Math: Learners revised the concepts of Math and solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention: Help students to reflect upon their learning.

Language :  Learners solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention : To assistance students enhance their vocabulary.

Drama:ÂÂÂStudents enjoyed watching video of the poem- "Going on a bear hunt" by Michael Rosen, leaned the lyrics and tried to enact.

Circle Time:ÂÂÂ

Read aloud of the volume â€ËÅ"Being Selfish’ by Joy Berry.

Learning intention: To Create sensation amongst students about sharing and to develop the mental attitude â€ËÅ"Empathy’ and  â€ËÅ"Respect’ towards others in students.

Homework: ÂÂÂ

Linguistic communication: Math worksheet.


1. Please encourage your child to do his/her homework regularly .

2. A gentle reminder to send the summer homework, notebooks and the folder. Please ignore if already sent.

3. Kindly send the breakfast according to the school food policy.

iv. Kindly ostend by signing the note in the communication diary.

5. Bank check the weblog regularly.


Highlights of the solar day â€â€Å" 16 thursday June’ 2014

Thought for the twenty-four hours:  Practice makes the human being perfect

Awesome 24-hour interval!

Circle time: Read aloud of the books:

one)A dog needs a Bone!

2)The noisy book

3)Hoedown showdown

Language Development : Structure drilling: “ May I please …”

Music and movement: ÂÂÂStudents learned to command and coordinate their bodies through music on the vocal “Will you hug me” from music with mar.

Learning intention: To help students develop self-esteem, gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

Math: Learners revised the concepts of Math and solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention: Aid students to reflect upon their learning.

Linguistic communication :  Learners solved the revision worksheet.

Learning Intention : To help students enhance their vocabulary.

Learners attended the dance/ PS/ library classes.

Homework: ÂÂÂ

Language: Solve the worksheet given.


i. Please encourage your child to do his/her homework regularly.

2. A gentle reminder to send the summertime homework, notebooks and the binder. Delight ignore if already sent.

three. Kindly send the breakfast according to the school food policy.

iv. Kindly confirm by signing the annotation in the communication diary.

v. Check the web log regularly.

That Time â€å"will & Graceã¢â‚¬â Forgot Hiv Exists. Again.
